over the barrel of peak oil

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The c-word

I heard a CNBC anchor speak in hushed-terms of the 'collapse of capitalism', showing some concern.  

For a frightening look at how societies collapse, see Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.   Here are two thought-provoking paragraphs from that book:
How much choice we have in the matter, I think, is debatable.  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

NPR's latest

'Peak Oil Theory' Demands Energy Alternatives
So many folks lament about the dismal (even dire) state of the economy, but few suggest it has anything to do with peak oil.  

Friday, December 12, 2008

Physicist to head Energy Department

Fancy that, a physicist in charge of the Department of Energy.  Nobel prize winning physicist, Stephen Chu, is nominated as incoming Secretary of said department.  PBS re-airs its piece: Physicist Searches for Alternative Fuel Technologies.  Tad Patzek, also a professor at Berkeley, questions Mr. Chu's position.


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