over the barrel of peak oil

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Deepwater Horizon blowout

See The Oil Drum take and this refresher course for background on our oil dependency.
A Survivor Recalls His Harrowing Escape; Plus, A Former BP Insider Warns Of Another Potential Disaster
Our addiction to cheap energy has a way of clouding memories of even the most vivid disasters.

For a moving tale from the past of the ocean deep and an earlier oil boom, see PBS' Into the Deep: America, Whaling & the World.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A refresher course from The Oil Drum

The Oil Supply (or Oil Demand) Problem

There is Plenty of Oil, but . . .

Our Energy Supply, Some Basics

World Oil Production Forecast - Update November 2009

Financial Problems which are likely to be Connected to Oil Supply Issues

Delusions of Finance: Where We May be Headed

Tipping Point Paper

Peak Oil and the Financial Crisis

Insights on Where We May be Headed

The Failure of Networked Systems

Dennis Meadows - Economics and Limits to Growth: What's Sustainable?

The dark side of coal - some historical insights on energy and the economy

Technical posts related to oil supply

See Tech talks by Heading Out (Dave Summers)

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