over the barrel of peak oil

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We are in Kansas

Some Kansans kind of get it; see this NY Times piece. They draw a distinction between fossil fuel dependence and climate change. However, there's this from the comments:
Most of the energy saving initiatives described in this article are "nothings". They make people feel good but do not alter fundamental energy use patterns. Additionally the biggest crisis looming in America's future is not a lack of energy to run the electrical grid but rather a lack of oil to run the transportation system. I doubt very much whether small city Kansans are getting around on bikes - more likely trucks, SUV's, big cars are as popular as ever. So if these people don't believe in global warming, they soon will believe in peak oil because the gasoline will not be there in the local service station or will cost $10.00 a gallon.
David Brown, Victoria


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