over the barrel of peak oil

Sunday, January 01, 2006

to a watchdog

The PBS series, NOW with David Brancaccio, aired a piece on global warming this week; in it, one climatologist, Dr. Alley, says:

It’s not the end of humanity; it's not the end of civilization.

My feedback to NOW:

There are some of us who believe that oil depletion could quickly lead to the end of humanity and the end of civilization. Please go beyond your look at influence-peddling by the oil industry to the subject of Peak Oil. One person who has been trying to get the public's attention on this is Congressman Barlett (R-Maryland): http://www.globalpublicmedia.com/lectures/531 .
One compelling analysis is the too-real Olduvai Theory by Richard Duncan.

For a view from abroad, see this BBC piece, a Crisis for Humanity?

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