over the barrel of peak oil

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

CNN wonders

The preview asks: What if our addiction to oil becomes a world wide crisis? It could happen. A chilling all new CNN Presents: We Were Warned: Tommorrow's Oil Crisis. The program looks at:
Interviews with James Wolsey and Matthew Simmons
World oil consumption, including that of China
Gulf of Mexico production
Alberta tar sands
Ethanol, especially that made in Brazil
Interview with GM VP on American car production

In his interview. Matthew Simmons is asked 'what is the worst case scenario?' His answer: 'You don't want to go there', but when pressed, goes on to suggest a series of energy wars between neighbors, cities, states, etc.

On the web page, one video link titled 'Long War of the 24th century' contains a (not so slight) misprint; that should read '21st century'.
Note: archived videos on CNN require subscription. The whole hour-long program does not appear to be available yet from CNN.

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