over the barrel of peak oil

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

energy players

Fareed Zakaria continues his series of interviews. Here's one with Chris Somerville. Zakaria asks:
Are biofuels going to get us out of the energy trap?
What trap, Mr. Zakaria doesn't explain.

Earlier Mr. Zakaria interviewed Lovins on efficiency, Raymond on oil and Hefner on natural gas. Of Raymond, Zakaria asks:
Do you think the world is running out of oil?
Raymond's answer:
As the study says, the world is not running out of the resource. The problem we're getting into is the question, can we develop it in a timely way, given the constraints we have on the political front, the economic front, and just the time it takes to get things done?
Mr. Zakaria in an earlier piece wonders:
I don't know if the world is running out of oil, a subject of heated debate.
See my earlier posts on Raymond and on Lovins, here and here.

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