over the barrel of peak oil

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Ethics of Peak Oil

The cover article of the June '08 Scientific American is entitled The Ethics of Climate Change. The article has two basic flaws, as far as I can see. It ignores 'peak oil', which is the much more pressing danger, and (2) it ignores the thesis of an earlier Sciam article about ecological economics, Economics in a Full World. This is not the first time a Sciam author has ignored highly relevant earlier Sciam articles. See these posts of mine.

I also wonder who, if anyone, edits these articles. Here are two sentences from an article inset, Measuring Catastrophe, missing from the online version:
  • A population collapse will cause the premature death of billions of people.
  • If humanity becomes extinct or the human population collapses, vast numbers of people who would otherwise have existed will not in fact exist.
and elsewhere:
Is their nonexistence a bad thing?

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